Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mind Over Matter

Some say larger folks are less healthy.  It appears that body image, rather than actual body shape, may be more significant in determining your health.  Read this excerpt from a slate.com article:
A second study, published in the American Journal of Public Health on Jan. 30, looked at the relationship between body image and health. The authors compared people of similar age, gender, education level, and rates of diabetes and hypertension, and examined how often they reported feeling under the weather over a 30-day period. It turned out that body image had a much bigger impact on their health than body size. In other words, two equally obese women would have very different health outcomes, depending on how they felt about their bodies. Likewise, two women with similar insecurities would have more similar health outcomes, even if one were fat and the other thin.
In other news, I read a terrific article in Utne magazine recently about the unfair stigmas placed on larger people.  Excellent piece. 

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