Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Raising Happy Kids

Just finished reading the book "Raising Happy Kids" by Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer. I found it to be full of intuitive ideas for being a supportive, thoughful parent. What I realized was that the tips also seem to apply to adults as well. I think the tactics are applicable to any person, especially someone who is responsible for leading others. So I'm glad I read it because it lines up with a couple of my interests: parenting and managing people (two things I have yet to undertake).

In other news, Patty and I are finishing up a week in Albany, NY, today. It was an enjoyable, action-packed week. I'd say my highlights included
  • An hour+ nap taken yesterday
  • Seeing some of the central NY finger lakes
  • Enjoying delicious home-cooked Italian meals
  • Spending time with all of Patty's family
  • Playing with fresh snow
  • Playing with Tabitha
  • Laughing

Photos to come

- Mike

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Patty's trip to California

Patty's trip to California. She is officially Christmassed out! We Took Timmy To The Pacific Beach Christmas Parade, La Jolla Farmer's Market and Balboa Park

Alex, Aunt Pattie and Patty drove back to Tierrasanta after attending a wonderful Christmas show called "Christmas Traditions" in East County.

Ferry Ride on San Diego Harbor

Tree at Hotel Del Coronado

Spruce Street Suspension Bridge

La Jolla

Dinner at The Godfather- family tradition

Monday, December 15, 2008

16 Things

1. I treat my cat like it's my perpetually infant-aged child.
2. I spent a weekend with people who laugh, cry, and scream on purpose.
3. I am physically fit, but I often eat past the point that I am comfortable, and that bothers me.
4. Grocery shopping is near the top of my favorite activities.
5. I need a good cry.
6. I like people about 100 times more than I show them. If you're reading this, that means you.
7. I stole a pocketknife from a kid when I was younger and I think about it sometimes. I still have it.
8. I love reading Yes! magazine.
9. I love being on stage.
10. I wanted to be a mechanic when I was a kid and I still sometimes daydream about following up on that.
11. I want to be a daddy!
12. It bothers me that I can't find the instructions to this 16 Things stuff.
13. Sports interferes with my important personal relationships.
14. I have been craving chicken wings for quite a while.
15. I wish I had a loftier job title.
16. I love to sing about as much as I love breathing.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Crash Course

Yesterday I stayed home from work sick and spent a chunk of my day digesting "The Crash Course" online ( This online audio-visual presentation lasts over 3 hours and makes the case that the next 20 years will be very different due to economic, energy, and environmental forces. Allow me to sum up:

  • A massive change is coming

  • A declining standard of living is coming - down from the current USA standard, that is

  • World population is nearing the Earth's capacity

  • Our economic system is inflationary, and therefore discourages saving and encourages speculation and risk-taking with capital

  • Our nation's % of debt to GDP is around 342%, which is way higher than its historical limit of around 160%, and which far exceeds the last great spike. All of which is dangerous because you can't sustainably spend (debt) more than you create (GDP).
  • Citizens are acting no more responsibly than the federal government: our savings rates have dropped to near zero levels since 1985 - the same time when the national debt began to spike.
  • Inflation statistics are manipulated. Actual inflation is around 13%. He makes some interesting insights here.
  • Oil production has remained flat, even while the price shot up from around $50 to over $130. This leads to the conclusion that we must have reached peak oil and a decline will be coming soon.
  • Hyperinflation is very likely in the near term.
  • The world's resources (e.g., food, metal, other raw materials for living) are becoming harder and more costly and more laborious to extract. And since the population is growing, more people will be demanding these increasingly scarce resources - hence, higher prices.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say that is irritating in how it creates bullets and block quotes and every other formatting change, including inserting images. Sorry for the diversion.

Mr. Martenson never tells us exactly how to handle these impending issues. I suspected he would try to sell us a "Prepare for the End Times" DVD series, but no such thing exists. He didn't try to tell us gold or any precious metals. Interestingly, Mr. Martenson doesn't seem to be trying to sell us anything, except his ideas, which he offers at no cost. He does ask for donations to allow him to preach his message to all who will hear. He got me so nervous, I decided I couldn't afford to donate anything.

He also did not go into too much detail as to how the next 20 years would be so different - he seems to be averse to predictions. That doesn't stop him from making this the most frequently seen slide in "The Crash Course":

Lest you take Mr. Martenson for a fool, he reminds us of a quote of old that all truth passes through 3 phases - ridicule, violent opposition, and finally, acceptance as self-evident.

I enjoyed the 3+ hour presentation, and feel that it was honest and informative. I am certain he left out some information and that there were some logical fallacies and statistical manipulations (not malicious), but it's food for thought. I do believe that our current economic system is unsustainable. I think we have too much debt, too much disparity between rich and poor (which appears to be accelerating), and too much of an impact on the environment. If everyone lived as US citizens do, we'd need more Earths than we've got. And the number of people living like US citizens is growing - China and India are great examples.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Ate some hot, fresh French bread out of the breadmaker. Mmm! The maiden voyage was a success!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Manna from Louisiana

Got a breadmaker from my folks. Simon enjoyed the packaging.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

O Solstice Tree!

Patty and I don't celebrate Christmas, per se, but we do see relevance in the concept of Soltice, which is somehow a celebration of the new beginnings or the earth or some such thing. It marks the transition from shortening days to longer days, so that's something important, right? Anyway, we have a tree.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Giving Thanx!

Been reading Yes! magazine and it's great. Positive stories about how we can have a better more connected life with people and a more just society.
In other news, went to Baton Rouge for Thanksgiving. Had a good time. And lots of boudin. Won my age group in the Turkey Trot 5k (30-34 years old).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Work Stuff

Completed a leadership course at work.  Reception at the UT System Chancellor’s house (nicer than mine).  Photo of me with Dr. Ken Shine (interim chancellor) and my project group (Craig, Ed, Jennifer, Dawn, and missing from the shot was Terry). 

Monday, November 24, 2008

Catching Up

Since we last spoke, some things have happened. Let's catch up.

We went to New Mexico, Patty hurt her knee, we went to Lost Maples State Natural Area, Tom Kavanaugh visited with his family (Timmy pictured with Patty), we played soccer (Mike, for the first time ever), Simon was cute, and we sewed some grocery bags at a cost of about $15 each. Not in that order.

I'm out.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

BD Presents

A shot of a couple of gifts I picked up on by BD - a nice and sharp 8" chef's knife and a cast iron skillet.  Mmm!  The knife cuts like a dream - I love it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


This blog is hardcore.  Predictions about the presidential elections, complete with highly detailed poll figures.  Bordering on insane.  The link:




NBA Player Out of Line?

People are bent out of shape about Black professional basketball player Josh Howard remarking how he doesn’t care about the national anthem.  Here’s how I break this down:


White western Europeans explore and settle the New World, killing, betraying, and taking land from the “inferior” natural inhabitants.  Then the wealthiest of these white landowners imported “inferior” slave labor from a faraway land to work their farms, treating them in less than hospitable ways, to put things mildly.   After some time they were liberated from bondage, grudgingly given the right to vote, alienated from mainstream society, and marginalized by public policies.  They now experience ongoing underemployment, inferior education and income, and high incarceration rates.  Now, how would you feel about “your” country’s feel-good song if you happen to be Black?


Hey, America has some great things, and America has offered some great things to Black American descendants of slaves.  I’m glad we’re all here in this country.  But I don’t think Howard deserves to be lambasted over his hard feelings.  


Video report:


(Blog Photo Found At: