I spent 20 minutes ironing a pair of pants for work yesterday.
Why do we subject ourselves to this? We either waste time ironing or waste our time working to earn the money to pay someone else to do the ironing. Why do we do this? So people won't laugh at us behind our backs at work. So people with think we're "with it."
"Did you see Mike? His pants had a wrinkle. He looks like a street person."
I suppose if you can wake up early, iron your clothes, make them look like they are fresh off the sweatshop floor where they were made and pressed, then you must be a good worker. It's a signal that you can make it in this world.
Is this the best use of our 21st century lives? Is this even a good use of our 21st century lives? I say unto thee: it is not.
I could have spent the time sleeping, or reading, or working, or bettering myself.
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